Covid-Related Research

Patient group experiences of the Covid 2020 pandemic
Published: September 29th, 2020
Pharmaceutical companies are being impacted by the actions they take in the Covid arena. Such actions may, or may not, elevate the corporate reputation of some of the big companies perceived to be acting effectively to help the world overcome the pandemic.
Companies will be judged not just on the whether they produce Covid diagnostics/treatments/vaccines, but a host of other factors, from the support they offer patients to their relationships with their patient-group partners/and patients in such exceptional times.
- Survey conducted July to August 2020.
- Survey questionnaire in 20 languages.
- Analysis of results for 27 countries.
- Analysis for 27 therapy areas.
The effects of Covid on:
- Patients known to the patient organisations.
- The services that patient groups provide to patients.
- Patient-group operations.
- Patient-group income and expenditure.
- Patient-group e-communications.
- Patient-group networking with peers.
- Patient-group networking with other healthcare stakeholders.
- The reputation of patient groups.
- The major challenges and priorities of patient groups.
- Pharma-company activities (from a patient-group perspective).
- And, finally … the effectiveness of governments’ responses to Covid (from a patient-group perspective).
3 reports available:
- Overview
- 27 countries
- 27 therapy areas
- List of the 27 countries and 27 therapy areas
- Sample pages
PatientView launched #PAGC19 on Twitter in 2020 and encouraged patient groups to adopt this hashtag in any of their tweets about Covid-19.
Patients reported that they were having difficulty finding healthcare information on Covid-19 that was both relevant to their needs, and trustworthy. Fortunately, patient groups comprise a powerful and responsible source of tailored support and information for people living with a disease condition, and concerned about Covid.
All tweets containing #PAGC19 were automatically picked up and pooled, and PatientView plan to create a resource that catalogues all of the support and communication patient groups offered during the first two years of the pandemic.